But the real reason for this blog post is to announce that our largest Endowment Fund Donors have been recognized with central plaques in our memorial wall at the front of the building. This fundraising drive predates our building project with lead donor, the late James Jay Strong, who contributed $100,000 way back in 1995. Other "cornerstone" donors who gave over $5000 were Dale D. Grismore, Nancy White Harner, Ralph A. Overton, S. Bradleigh and Patricia Vinson, and June Herman Ely. Yes, we were thinking about a new building back then! We also had 9 "capstone" donors (between $2000 and $4999) and 17 "pillar" donors (between $1000 and $1999) who are recognized on plaques.
We used all our financial resources toward the new OGS Library construction so had to hold off a bit on our plaque responsibilities. Now we have bit the bullet and these folks will be remembered (in bronze) for all time - at least as long as our wall lasts. We really do appreciate all those who have contributed in any way to our Endowment Fund, Building Fund, and our general Operating Fund. Thank you!